Just Another Black Dog

Meet Pepsi. Pepsi has been my foster dog for nearly 2 years. If you don’t know much about fostering, 2 years is a LONG time. Pepsi is only 3 years old. She's lived with me for more than half her life. She thinks I'm her mom... and essentially, I am.

But Pepsi needs her own family. She deserves her own family. She deserves to be in a home with one other (male) dog, where she's treasured as someone’s special dog.

But let me explain why that may never happen for Pepsi…

Pepsi is a simple black dog. Nothing more... nothing less. To 99% of adopters, she's just another black dog.
People want to adopt a dog they see as “special.” They want a unique-looking dog, a beautiful dog, a dog that others will see and say, "WOW… now, that’s a cute pup!"

Pepsi is just another black dog who needs a home. For the rare person in search of “a black dog,” Pepsi is one of millions... who all look the same.

She doesn’t stand out in a crowd. She doesn’t look different, or pretty, or cool. She’s a black dog... and thousands of her are dying in shelters every single day.
If you look at her pictures, there's nothing seemingly special about Pepsi. But let me take you behind the photos... into this girl’s wounded heart, and tell you why Pepsi deserves to matter

For the first year of her life, Pepsi lived on a very short chain. At some point, the chain became badly embedded in her skin... leaving her with a deep, awful scar around her neck... to prove that her pain was ever-so real. Those same people who chained her... also starved her, beat her, and tortured her…

But my Pepsi is a fighter... and you can’t break her that easily.

I rescued Pepsi from that abuse, and she came to live with me as one of my foster dogs. When we got to my house, she looked around… and then up at me, with a grin that said, “Seriously?! For me?!” For the first time in her life, she got to have mealtime, and playtime, and “special Pepsi time.” She also got a super-comfy pup bed of her very own and lots of toys. She'd never known so much joy in her little heart—ever.

I'd soon learn that Pepsi’s favorite game is fetch. She can play fetch for hours, and she’s really smart… bringing the ball right back every time and dropping it at your feet to throw again. Sometimes, my arm gets so freaking tired from throwing that dang ball, but she drops it so politely and looks up at me like, “Come on… one more time, Mom. Pleeeeaseee!” This goes on for at least 100 more times... but I’d do it 1,000 more just to see that smile on her face when I throw it again. She absolutely loves to run and play… because she’d never been able to do it before me. Never.

Pepsi’s first friend ever, and best friend in the entire world, was my Rudy. Pepsi and Rudy had so much in common.. and it’s like they just knew that the other understood. They would play outside for hours, and sleep right next to each other every night. They had a bond that was so special to watch… and so heart wrenching to see it end.

Pepsi was with Rudy when he died. She was forced to watch ... as her very best friend left this world... and she couldn’t do anything to save him. The day Rudy died, Pepsi’s grief overtook her. The once fun-loving, outgoing pup became very depressed and withdrawn. Every day, she'd lay on top of Rudy’s grave... and mourn his loss. She knew that he was gone, but she didn’t want to believe it. I'd go sit with her at his grave... and tell her I knew the feeling. We'd cry together.

Pepsi and I helped each other heal, but I can tell that she still misses him. Almost a year later, every time I let her outside, she still goes straight to Rudy’s favorite laying spot —the spot where he died— to look for him. I can’t blame her… I’m tempted to do the same thing.

Pepsi’s new best friend is Freddy, another black dog. Freddy has helped her pain tremendously, and my heart would soar if they could be adopted together. But the chances of 2 black dogs being adopted by the same family... are so slim, that I try not to kid myself. I just want Pepsi (and of course, Freddy) to find what she’s always wanted: a home to call her own.
My heart breaks every time a potential adopter comes to see my dogs, because they never give Pepsi a second glance. She’s never been special to anyone... other than to me, and I think she realizes that.

My heart aches for her, as people ignore her presence. As people go for the “pretty” dogs and completely overlook this amazing girl. As they come through to meet all the pups, Pepsi sits politely and waits her turn. But she never gets a turn.

So every time someone leaves, I sit with her and say, “You’re special to me, Pepsi-Co, and I love you.” She licks my face and says, “I love you too, Mom...” to tell me that she’s okay. But my heart hurts for my special girl... my child that no one wants. For the girl who has endured so much, and is still considered lackluster. For the girl, who has been waiting for a loving home of her own... all 3 years of her life.

If you’re looking for an amazing dog, Pepsi is your girl. She loves to be by someone’s side. She longs to be someone’s special girl. And she deserves to be cherished by a family forever. If anyone knows this girl, it’s me, and let me tell you this: Pepsi will change your life. Pepsi will enrich your soul. Pepsi will thank you every day for loving her. Pepsi IS special... she is not just another black dog. She is, quite simply, incredible.

Fill out Adoption Application for Pepsi online:
Amazing adopters only.
